An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

WALLOW Quality Control & Quality Assurance

CNPEPL, has its own in-house Quality Control and testing department, all inspections and tests are performed by qualified and experienced personnel in line with project specifications and data sheets in order to satisfy our customers and their commitments and expectations.
A Quality Control Plan (QCP) and an Inspection and Test Plan (QAP) appropriate to the scope of supply can be issued for customer approval before starting of production activities.
CNPEPL is an ISO 9001:2015 Quality System accredited company.Our Quality Control Department works to ensure that all engineering, manufacturing, assembly and testing activities are conducted in order to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 as fundamental of our Quality Management System with particular emphasis on the need for risk assessment in organization management which involves planning, motivating and controlling actions focused on meeting the organization's objectives.
ISO accreditation ensures a customized high-quality service, performed by experienced personnel, to support and satisfy our customers and their commitments expectations, with safe company operation aimed at obtaining of higher profits with better use of resources and more conscious decision making with shorter reaction time.


Achieve highest level of quality through process-driven delivery methods and control the quality with sophisticated hi tech metrology. Enhance customer satisfaction by outperforming international quality standards.


We shall strive for the growth of the company and follow safety practices & fulfil all applicable, statutory & regulatory requirements.